Labrador Owners Club Specialty 2009
Castilleja DogsBring Home 10 Ribbons
from the Labrador Owners Club Specialty
Cambridge Ontario - June 6, 7, 2009
Margaret Brown (Ramsayville)
Limerigg, Falkirk, Scotland FK13BN
Stéphane Laliberté (Durhamriver)
St-Chrysostome QC J0S1R0
- Hudson - Judges Award of Merit specials only
- Lincoln - 1st 12-18 month puppy dog
- Christo - 1st open yellow dog
- Pipin - 1st Canadian Bred Bitch
- Sanka - 2nd bred by exibitor dog
- Poppy - 4th 15-18 month puppy bitch
- Jiffy - 3rd Veteran Bitch
- Jiffy - 2nd Veteran Sweeps
- Poppy - 3rd 15-18 puppy bitch sweeps
- Lincoln - 4th 15-18 puppy dog sweeps